Ribbon-Cutting Event

The OHA is pleased to announce the ribbon-cutting event on August 2nd, 2014 to celebrate our most recent installation of 1-Wall Handball Courts in St. Catharines, Ontario.

Facility : Port Weller Community Center (2-indoor and 2-outdoor courts) 1 Bogart St., St Catharines, ON, L2R 7C2


Entry : Completed entry form must be received by Monday July 28th , 2014 : Entry is free thanks to a donation by Jared Vale of www.valeugroup.com.

Entry Form


Registration : Please report to the Registration Desk at 1:00 PM on tournament day. A signed entry (Parents signature if under 18-years-of-age) required to play. Eye protection is mandatory, and will be provided if necessary


Format : The intent of the day is to introduce kids to the game of handball, and to promote “cross-play” between 1 and 4-Wall Players. (Any Ball, Any Wall!!!) Big Ball, 25-Point Games, 2-games guaranteed. Junior Divisions/Format to be determined by the number of entries. Afternoon of “Fun Doubles” play after the singles tournament is done.


Hospitality : Tournament shirt, awards, and light food/beverage during the day. Lessons for new players by Ontario, Canadian, U.S. and World Champions. Absolutely no alcoholic beverages or smoking allowed on the premises. : Be sure to bring your sunscreen and running shoes.


Tournament : Wally Oprzedek (905) 980-1012
Committee : Mark Polgrabia (905) 351-4611

OHA HIGHLIGHTS (from April of 2013-May 2014)


President- Jenine Wilson

Vice President- Adam Johnston

Membership Director- Nathan Body

Treasurer- Mark Polgrabia

Junior Co-ordinator- Wally Oprzedek

Womens Commissioner- Jenine Wilson

Webmaster/Marketing- Garrett Reynolds

Secretary- Peter Service



  • May, 2013- 4 Juniors travelled to Nationals in Winnipeg (see results posted on OHA website and Facebook page)
  • June Hill Memorial- June 1st, 2013

– Format was modified to include “senior” players, in an effort to expand the number of Big Ball 1-Wall players of all ages across Ontario. The change proved successful, resulting in our largest draw to date, with 32-players participating.

  • July, 2013- Junior Handball Clinic/Camp with Lake Forest’s Coach Dau, in Calgary

– Alam Burgos and Wally Oprzedek attended the event hosted by the AHA

– CHA & OHA funded

  • 2 Facilities scouted for potential events:

1.) National Fitness; Oakville Venue

(contact: ashley@oakvillenationalfitness.com)

4 courts available; playable but rough shape-floors

2.) Commerce West; 427 South

unavailable to general public, membership for courts is for employees of the building only.

  • Meeting with Trillium Rep (June 4th, 2013 Jenine, Mark & Wally)

– Provincial Doug Gore 416 963 4927 ext 251 (possibility for future fund requests, i.e Nationals hosted in Ontario).

– Niagara Rep Menfred 905 704 1829 Organizational (possibility for future fund requests, i.e Nationals hosted in Ontario).

– Menfred assisted the OHA in connecting with United Way rep Carol Stewart-Kirkby (905 354-9342 or carolsk@vaxxine.com).

– After working hard to complete the Niagara Neighbourhood Initiative Fund Application (aimed at increasing youth participation in community settings), on June 26th 2013 the OHA made its submission.

– In early August, the OHA was granted $2500 to be spend within 1 year of the approval. Specific project outcomes, goals and budget were created by the OHA Board and are required to be reported back to United Way by August 6th 2014 as proof of appropriate use of funds.


  • June 24th, 2013 Scotiabank Game Changer Challenge submitted to nominate Wally for ongoing contributions (see write-up).
  • Peach King Centre Clinic/Practice (Tuesday evenings, approximately 4 kids)
  • Hamilton Y Lessons (Tuesdays and Thursdays)
  • St. Catharines Y (Saturday mornings, approximately 10 kids)
  • Youth Nights in St. Catharines (Monthly, approximately 40 kids)
  • Niagara Falls Y (Wednesdays and Sundays, approximately 4 kids)
  • Port Weller 1 Wall Lessons (to commence June 14th, 2014)
  • May, 2014- 7 Juniors travelled to Nationals in Montreal (see results posted on OHA website and Facebook page)
  • Meeting with Lori Mambella at the City of St. Catharines requesting 1 wall courts to be built at the Port Weller Community Center.

– On April 11th, the OHA received confirmations the the Director of Parks and Rec for the City of St. Catharines had approved the application (Niagara Neighbourhood Initiative Fund used for submission with alterations).

– On April 30th the OHA was informed of cost for court preparation, installation and repair equalling $1000.

– The OHA Board voted to approve this cost (April 30th) as it meets the needs and goals expressed in our project outcomes of growing junior handball in Ontario.

– As of May 27th, 2014 Phase 1 is complete; the 2 outdoor 1-wall courts are ready for use.

Phase 2 will involve taping courts inside the gym of the rec center and getting a handball program offered in their fall guide.

– The OHA will be conducting a joint PR event with the City and Trillium/United Way programs later this summer.

Phase 3 & beyond could include the installation of several additional courts on the unused tennis courts and upgrades to the existing surfaces.

Richard Kearney Memorial award

CONGRATULATIONS to Wally Oprzedek and the Ontario Junior Handball players that traveled to

Montreal for this year’s Canadian Nationals. At this year’s banquet, Ontario Junior Handball players

placed 2nd

for the Richard Kearney Memorial award. This award is given to the team of Junior players

that is most successful in their tournament play through a calculation of points based on results. Great

work Wally and congratulations to the Juniors who represented Ontario so well!!

2014 Canadian Championships Results for Ontario and JUNE HILL 1-WALL HANDBALL TOURNAMENT on June 7th

Thanks to the entire Ontario Handball Community and friends for supporting our juniors this week at the 2014 Canadian Championships.
Results for the week:

4-Wall Results
-11&Under Singles: 1st- Axel Burgos and 3rd-Susan Santillan
-11&Under Doubles: 1st-Axel Burgos/Susan Santillan
-15&Under Singles: 2nd-Ivan Burgos
-17&Under Singles: 1st-Alam Burgos
-17&Under Doubles Consolation: Alam/Ivan Burgos
-19&Under Singles: 3rd-Matt Shrum

1-Wall Results
-11&Under Singles: 1st-Axel Burgos and 3rd-Susan Santillan
-15&Under Singles: 2nd-Ivan Burgos
-19&Under Singles: 2nd-Tyman Edelcourt and 3rd-Matt Shrum

All the members of Team Ontario played phenomenal ball during the week, and placed 2nd overall for the Richard Kearney Provincial Team Award. Great job, Guys!!!

Now we prepare for the 4th ANNUAL JUNE HILL MEMORIAL ONTARIO 1-WALL HANDBALL TOURNAMENT on June 7th, 2014 in Burlington, Ontario. Contact Wally at iamwallyo@gmail.com if you’d like to play ball, bring a junior to play, or help out that day. Hope to see everyone there.

Ontario Singles Cancelled

Hi Everyone,
Due to a significant lack of entries, the OHA must unfortunately cancel the Provincial Singles tournament scheduled for Saturday, May 3rd, 2014. This was a very difficult decision to make. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact an OHA Board Member.
This cancellation, along with reduced participation at the Provincial Doubles and Golden Horseshoe earlier this year, sends a strong message that we must continue to focus our efforts on increasing the number of Junior players in Ontario.

The next tournament on our calendar is the June Hill Memorial 1-Wall on Saturday June 7th at Brant Hills Public School in Burlington. We hope to have a great day of 1-Wall with both junior and senior tournament play, and a clinic for kids that want to try the game for the first time. All kids play for free, due to a generous donation by long-time OHA supporter Ted Hill. To register or volunteer for this exciting tournament, please contact Wally Oprzedek at iamwallyo@gmail.com.com. The OHA annual general meeting will be held at this tournament.
As always, the OHA needs support from its players and contributors to keep the game going. Please contact any of our board members to become involved in junior clinics, joining the board or helping with a tournament. Follow us on facebook and check out our website at http://www.ontariohandball.ca/ for upcoming events and information.
OHA Board.

CHA Not for Profit Status

Good day, the CHA continues down the long path of getting to the new Not for Profit template mandated by the federal government. We have until October 2014 to complete all of the steps and paperwork and with your help, we should be able to achieve this goal and retain our status as a Not for Profit sport organization. We have engaged a Sports Consultant to assist with the changes and this has been quite helpful (http://www.sportlaw.ca/nfp-act/federal-act/). For in depth information about the changes visit: http://www.corporationscanada.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/cd-dgc.nsf/eng/h_cs03925.html


The CHA Executive including the provincial representatives will have to vote on two sets of by-laws. The first set of by-laws is mainly to change who is considered to be a member of the CHA. The first set of by-laws will make the provincial representatives CHA members rather than each player. Players in each province will become registrants of the CHA and will be represented within the CHA by their provincial representative. The second set of by-laws will be voted on sometime after May and will bring in all of the new items mandated by the federal government. We are including attachments of both sets of by-laws. Players with questions or concerns can contact Mike Wilson at mikejwilson55@gmail.com


The CHA is one of a few sport organizations whose by-laws are quite outdated and that is one of the reasons the government is having every “federally-incorporated” sport organization go through this exercise. Brian and I feel it is important to let the players know of these changes. Due to lack of attendance at the AGM each year (last year no one attended) we did not want to use that forum to get this information out there. As the CHA does not have any method of reaching out to to every player, we are asking the provinces to distribute this information and requesting a response from the players regarding accepting the first set of by-laws. They can send their vote, yeah or nay to mikejwilson55@gmail.com. The more responses we get the better. We would appreciate your help in getting this information out as soon as possible. We are aiming to gather responses by May 9th.


I would ask that you copy me on your email to your players so I know it has been sent.
Thank you very much


CHA Bylaws NFP Step 1Final

CHA Bylaws NFP Step 2 Final


2014 Ontario Singles are just around the corner!

Finally starting to warm up around here. No excuses now. Fill out your entry for the 2014 Ontario Singles!

Deadline is fast approaching April 28th, 2014

Get your entry here: Ontario Singles Entry 2014

33rd Annual 2014 CAN-AM Handball Doubles Tournament

If you are itching for some more ball, check out the Buffalo tourny in March.


Click here for the entry form and details.

Ontario Doubles 2014

On Saturday January 25th the OHA hosted its annual Provincial Doubles Tournament. Our draw consisted of a large Open/Masters division, round robin B, drop-down C and Golden Masters. With some exciting matches throughout the day, and many tiebreakers! Peter Service & Lindsay Hall took the title of Open Provincial Champions over Ryan and Fred Bowler in a thrilling 11-10 tiebreaker! In the Open/Masters Consolation, the Alteri Brothers were able to overcome the force of Will Homolka and Jordan Fromstein. In the B final, it was Art and Chris Avalos over Adam Johnston and Jenine Wilson in a close tiebreaker of 11-9. In our C division, Steve and Jana Rennie took the crown in yet another tiebreaker against Al Campbell and Zolton Motoz. Nothing like a tie-breaker in the Golden Masters final to welcome back Mike Wilson after being away from the tournament scene for a while…..he and Harry Cowie lost to Ivan Elliott and Brian Goto 11-10.


Thank you to Matt Philips and the Publican House Brewery for their support and contribution to our prizes.


Please mark your calendars for the annual Provincial Singles Tournament on Saturday May 3rd…..we look forward to another great event!


Thank you to everyone who came out to play and support the event. On behalf of the OHA, we really appreciate the on-going participation and enthusiasm.

Horseshoe 2013

The numbers may not have been what Adam Johnston was hoping for, but the handball was great. Once again David Wells is the farthest traveled, coming from Fargo North Dakota, Zoly Motoz our most senior.
Ryan bowler was in California at the Simple Green U.S. Open for a reality check, so the question still remains, who is the king of the castle in Ontario? John Audet was impressive with the slam in the open singles and doubles. He did not have to play a tie-breaker until the doubles final.


In the singles Peter Service gave John a run for his money with scores of fifteen and eighteen. While in the Open Doubles it was an all Niagara Peninsula final with John Audet and Wally Oprezdek against Mark Polgrabia and Ryan Elliott in a great display of handball, a win here for Ryan and he would have been the one with the slam as he was the champion in the B/C event.


Hamilton’s Nasim Bajwa was disappointed by Buffalo’s Sal LiPuma in the master’s singles, coming up just short on a tough two game match.


In the sixty plus final travel did not hurt David Wells as he came out ahead, defeating Ivan Elliott in an 11-6 tie-breaker. While in the seventy plus singles George McQuillen of Toronto defeated Pat Murphy of Fort Wayne Indiana.


In the Masters Doubles Nasim paired with Curtis Crocker to eke out an 11-4 tie breaker over the Buffalo/Kitchener pair of Sal LiPuma and Rick Jackiw.


In the seventy plus doubles Pat Murphy teamed with Fenton Michigan’s Dave Dodds to deny Hamilton’s Dave Forbes and Zoly Motoz from keeping the champion’s plaque in Hamilton.


The Horseshoe would not be possible without tremendous support. The “Y” replaced the court doors which reduced door hinders to a bare minimum and followed that with great help from the staff. Of course our volunteers we take for granted, but shouldn’t especially the ladies who put up with our addiction year-round and then come out to help at the tournament. Last, but far from least the participants who come out to contribute in some great handball. THANK YOU ONE AND ALL.


Open Singles: Round Robin: John Audet (Niag. Falls ON) def. Peter Service (Richmond Hill ON) 21-15, 21- 18. John Audet def. Adam Johnston (Hamilton ON) 21-5, 21-9. Peter Service def. Adam Johnston 21-2, 21-3. Champion; Audet.


“B/C” Singles: 1st Round; Steve Pribek (Batavia NY) def. Ivan Burgos (Fort Erie ON). Ryan Elliott (Fort Erie ON) def. Alam Burgos (Fort Erie ON) 21-13, 16-21, 11-2.
2nd Round; Elliott def. Pribek 21-11, 21-10.


Masters Singles: 1st Round: Sal LiPuma (Buffalo NY) bye. Art Avalos (Tor). ON) def. Steve Nowak (Burl. ON) 18-21. Mark Gronlund (Ham.ON) bye. Nasim Bajwa (Ham. ON) bye.
2nd Round: LiPuma def. Avalos. Bajwa def. Gronlund 21-5, 21-7.
3rd Round: LiPuma def. Bajwa 21-16, 21-18.


60 Plus Singles: 1st Round; Ivan Elliott (Fort ON) bye. Tom Ehrlich (Ham. ON) def. Fred Bowler (Pick. ON)21-13, 21-17. Brian Goto (Burl. ON) bye. David Wells (Fargo ND) bye.
2nd Round: Elliott def. Eurlich 21-1, 21-9. Wells def. Goto.
3rd Round: Wells def. Elliott 18-21, 21-14, 11-6.


70 Plus Singles: 1st Round: George Mcquillen (Tor. ON) def. Dave Dodds (Fenton MI) 21-8, 21-7. Pat Murphy (Fort Wayne IN) def. def. Mike Jennings (Pick. ON) 21-16, 21-13.
2nd Round: McQuillen def. Murphy 21-3, 21-13.
Consolation: Dodds def. Jennings 31-10.


Open Doubles: 1st Round; John Audet (Fort E. ON/Wally Oprezdek (St. Cath. ON) bye. Ivan Burgos (Fort Erie ON)/Alam Burgos (Fort Erie ON) def. Steve Pribek (Batavia NY)/Steve Rennie (St. Cath. ON) 21-15, 18-21, 11-9. Adam Johnston(Ham. ON)/Jennine Wilson (Pick. ON)bye. Ryan Elliott (Ft. Erie ON/Mark Polgrabia (Niag.-on-the-Lake ON)bye.
2nd Round: Audet/Oprezdek def. Burgos/Burgos. Elliott/ Polgrabia def. Wilson Johnston.
3rd Round; Audet/ Oprezdek def. Elliott/Polgrabia.


Golden Masters Doubles: 1st Round; Nasim Bajwa (Ham. ON)/Curtis Crocker (Ham. ON) def. Art Avalos (Tor. ON)/Ivan Elliott (Ft. Erie ON) 21-15, 21-14. Sal LiPuma(Buff. NY)/Rick Jackiw (Kitch. ON) def. Mark Gronlund (Ham. ON)/Steve Nowak (Burl. On) 21-10, 21-11.
2nd Round: Crocker/Bajwa def. LiPuma/Jackiw 21-15, 11-21, 11-4.


70 Plus Doubles: Round Robin: Dave Dodds (Fenton Mich)/Pat Murphy (Fort Wayne IN). def. Frank
Shimoda (Ham)/Alan Campbell (Ham). Dave Forbes (Ham)/Zoly Motoz (Ham) def.
Campbell/Shimoda. Dodds/Murphy def. Forbes/Motoz.
Champions: Dodds/Murphy


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